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 Eyes of Texas on Lewis; Garcia on familiar ground

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Eyes of Texas on Lewis; Garcia on familiar ground Empty
PostSubject: Eyes of Texas on Lewis; Garcia on familiar ground   Eyes of Texas on Lewis; Garcia on familiar ground EmptyWed Oct 26, 2011 1:57 pm

It already has been a productive postseason for Colby Lewis. Next for him, a shot at the biggest prize yet.

In Game 6 of the World Series tonight in St. Louis, Lewis gets the first chance to pitch the Texas Rangers to their first world title. No doubt while pitching oh-so-carefully against Albert Pujols and the Cardinals, he'll be leaning on past October triumphs.
Eyes of Texas on Lewis; Garcia on familiar ground Sp-worldseries26_0504425020_part6
"Well, you definitely think when you're a kid, you want to be in this position, be on this stage," Lewis said. "I think just being in the situation that we were last year throughout the playoffs gives you more of an edge, more relaxation. That's for sure."

Meanwhile, Jaime Garcia is back home where he's most comfortable, and the wild-card Cardinals are back in a familiar win-or-go-home mode, heading into a mound rematch from Game 2.

Three of Garcia's four postseason starts have been at Busch Stadium and the 25-year-old lefty has a 1.93 ERA at home. He outpitched Lewis in the first matchup with seven innings of scoreless, three-hit ball before the bullpen failed in a 2-1 loss. Garcia was in top form in Game 2 with seven strikeouts and one walk.

"It's been the same for me the last two months basically, and I'mcheap nhl jerseysstill going to try to do the same thing. Don't change anything, don't try to do too much because this is the World Series. That's kind of how I feel," he said.

Lewis beat the Yankees in the clinching Game 6 in the AL Championship Series last year. He doesn't mind being on the road, where he earned nine of his 14 wins and posted a 3.43 ERA, and has been stingy all postseason with a 2.95 ERA.

Facing Lewis in Game 2, the Cardinals were limited to one run on four hits with one extra-base hit in 6 1/3 innings. Manager Ron Washington expects to see the same pitcher again, and is confident there'll be zero stage fright.

"He totally believes in what he's trying to do out there," Washington said. nfl jerseys wholesale"He never gets away from what he does best. Colby never doubts what he's capable of doing, and I think that's what makes him apart from some guys at this stage."

Garcia had plenty of critical starts in September, steeling him for the postseason. The Cardinals overtook the faltering Braves on the final day of the season and Garcia was a key contributor, going 3-0 the final month.

"Our confidence is very good that he's going to pitch well," manager Tony La Russa said. "And we're challenging our bats to do more."

La Russa twice declined discussing a potential Game 7 starter, although Chris Carpenter volunteered for duty on two days' rest. Carpenter, who allowed two runs in seven innings in Game 5, played catch Tuesday and said he felt fine.

"I think everybody's available for the rest of the cheap nfl jerseys year, don't you?" Carpenter said to reporters. "Whatever (La Russa) needs."

Matt Harrison, who lasted just 3 2/3 innings in the Cardinals' 16-7 blowout in Game 3, would be on turn to start Game 7 for the Rangers.
Weather worries: Major League Baseball will monitor a weather system that moved into Eastern Missouri on Tuesday night that could lead to a postponement tonight.

Forecasts are calling for as much as an 80 percent chance of rain in the afternoon and 50 percent chance by first pitch
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